
Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

How to Treat Anxiety

Anxiety is something never experienced by every human being, we've all felt emotions, whether positive or negative. Anger, fear and anxiety are among them. These responses appear in an unpleasant situation or harm. And in fact necessary for survival. But sometimes these emotions can not be controlled and occur without any encouragement


Problem of anxiety is a psychological problem that is rather difficult to detect, especially when compared with normal human response. The difference is this normal response occurs without any encouragement. Sometimes there are individuals who are constantly in a state of worry, and some are sudden feelings of anxiety attack

Among the symptoms of anxiety are:
- Always anxious                - irritability
- Lack of rest                     - is weak and tired
- Inability to concentrate     - chest tightness
- Headache                        - shortness of breath
- Nausea                            - abdominal pain
- Insomnia                          - difficulty calm or relaxed

Treatment of naturally

Aromatherapy. This can be done alone. Lavender oil has been proven very powerful, but you can also use jasmine or sandalwood
Eat foods that contain vitamin B every day. Among fresh vegetables, milk, eggs, meat or soy
Exercise every day on a regular basis is also very helpful
When anxiety comes, try to bathe with cold water shower or soak in warm water
Drink a glass of water, or a cup of hot tea.
Set also diet to avoid excessive
Avoid consumption of alcohol, tobacco and caffeine reduce.

good luck

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