Acupuncture is a method or course of treatment using needles inserted at specific parts of the body. Acupuncture is usually used to relieve pain.
Although the specifics of acupuncture is not a dieting method, this technique can assist in the running program to lose weight. In this case, acupuncture stimulates hunger centers in the brain, so that hunger will be reduced.
Acupuncture does not turn off the blood path and not harmful to the body. However, sterility syringe is worth noting though this is usually not escaped the attention of acupuncturist or therapist. So, could not hurt you too cautious.
If you routinely undergo this treatment, excess body weight can be reduced by 5 kg in 3 months. It's not quite fast, but this therapy is healthy.
But, do not you just rely on acupuncture / Acupuncture Course. You also need to maintain a healthy diet. Because, if the program is terminated prematurely, the weight easily bounce back, even can exceed the original weight.
That need to be applied to regulate eating habits are. If you usually eat unlimited servings, start eating foods in smaller portions. In addition, exercise regularly. For example, following the aerobics class or jogging is done 2-3 week
In addition to ideal body weight can be achieved with acupuncture, this method can also be used to regulate menstrual cycles, reduce mood swings, and eliminate fatigue. so, good luck