





Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Lose weight with 10 types of food

Weight loss is undesirable for some people, especially women. This could be caused by several things, including: lack of exercise, like to eat snacks, too much sleep, strees. Obesity is indeed susceptible to women, especially married ones. Here are 10 foods that are believed to lose weight.  
Want to know what?

1.       Foods That Contain Fiber
Fiber diet
can produce garbage metabolism. Including levels of fat are no longer needed.

2.    Caffeine
Caffeine can increase the speed of metabolism.

Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Treat Depression with Herbs

Depression is a feeling experienced by every person in life. Negative feelings such as sadness, worry, and frustration are common feelings felt by many people. And it's okay if you feel disappointed after a failure or loss.

The main symptoms of depression 
- Prolonged Grief
- Stamina decreases and often feel tired
- Decreased appetite
- Stress, quick-tempered and often frustrating
- Decreased sexual desire
- Always pessimistic about the future

How to overcome depression

How to cope with depression the most effective way is to change the mindset with something more positive. In addition to help with some natural remedies that can be found all around us. Among them:
 - By drinking boiled water is a banana skin several times a week can overcome depression. Because there is   a banana skin in serotonin, a hormone that regulates mood for the better, and also can reduce stress
 - Eating durian fruit (latin: Durio zibethinus Murr) can also help, because it contains many amino acid tryptophan, good for reducing anxiety, depression and treat insomnia.

Treat Cancer With Herbs

Various types of medicinal plants are known as cancer drugs include:  
rodent tuber 
crown god
Intersection white
parasite tea
red fruit, etc.

The main role of these herbs is to increase endurance in addition to localizing the cancer cells so as not to spread and easier to remove. Because of its herbal and not chemical, then the cancer drugs of this nature has the advantage of not causing damage to healthy tissue as well as relatively safe (even in the long run). It is also cheaper.

Along with the movement back to nature, the medical community now recommends the use of too many natural cancer cure this as a complementary therapy to the healing process of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery.

To be effective, the use of cancer drugs in the form of this herb should be coupled with a healthy diet and stress-free life. Avoiding the consumption of fatty foods that are fried or baked and increase consumption of fruits and vegetables will help the healing process.

Benefits and uses of medicinal plants for cancer patients no doubt. But the main constraint is supply it. For the laity, not easy to find and locate medicinal plants around us.

As an alternative, now has available a variety of products herbalist or herb blend of single products with different brands on the market.

Cancer Herbal Medicinal Products which have CHOSEN?

Hopefully these tips useful for you who are looking for quality cancer Herbs:
* Composition: ingredients consist of any type of medicinal plants
* Packaging: whether hyegenis & correct the manufacturing process.
* Older products on the market: the longer circulating usually gets tested quality
* Testimony (Testimony) users: the number of testimony belief in the efficacy of the product increases
* Company or herbalist: reputation

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

How to Treat Anxiety

Anxiety is something never experienced by every human being, we've all felt emotions, whether positive or negative. Anger, fear and anxiety are among them. These responses appear in an unpleasant situation or harm. And in fact necessary for survival. But sometimes these emotions can not be controlled and occur without any encouragement


Problem of anxiety is a psychological problem that is rather difficult to detect, especially when compared with normal human response. The difference is this normal response occurs without any encouragement. Sometimes there are individuals who are constantly in a state of worry, and some are sudden feelings of anxiety attack

Among the symptoms of anxiety are:
- Always anxious                - irritability
- Lack of rest                     - is weak and tired
- Inability to concentrate     - chest tightness
- Headache                        - shortness of breath
- Nausea                            - abdominal pain
- Insomnia                          - difficulty calm or relaxed

Treatment of naturally

Aromatherapy. This can be done alone. Lavender oil has been proven very powerful, but you can also use jasmine or sandalwood
Eat foods that contain vitamin B every day. Among fresh vegetables, milk, eggs, meat or soy
Exercise every day on a regular basis is also very helpful
When anxiety comes, try to bathe with cold water shower or soak in warm water
Drink a glass of water, or a cup of hot tea.
Set also diet to avoid excessive
Avoid consumption of alcohol, tobacco and caffeine reduce.

good luck

Senin, 18 Juli 2011

Lose Weight With Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture is a method or course of treatment using needles inserted at specific parts of the body. Acupuncture is usually used to relieve pain.

Although the specifics of acupuncture is not a dieting method, this technique can assist in the running program to lose weight. In this case, acupuncture stimulates hunger centers in the brain, so that hunger will be reduced.

Acupuncture does not turn off the blood path and not harmful to the body. However, sterility syringe is worth noting though this is usually not escaped the attention of acupuncturist or therapist. So, could not hurt you too cautious.

If you routinely undergo this treatment, excess body weight can be reduced by 5 kg in 3 months. It's not quite fast, but this therapy is healthy.

But, do not you just rely on acupuncture / Acupuncture Course. You also need to maintain a healthy diet. Because, if the program is terminated prematurely, the weight easily bounce back, even can exceed the original weight.

That need to be applied to regulate eating habits are. If you usually eat unlimited servings, start eating foods in smaller portions. In addition, exercise regularly. For example, following the aerobics class or jogging is done 2-3 week

In addition to ideal body weight can be achieved with acupuncture, this method can also be used to regulate menstrual cycles, reduce mood swings, and eliminate fatigue. so, good luck 

Natural Antibiotics

Almost everyone had been a user of antibiotics, either in the form of tablets, syrups and topical medications. Later, according to Constanze Wendt of the Institute of Health Sciences in Heidelberg, in some cases, taking antibiotics properly can affect gut bacteria and can trigger diarrhea. Allergic skin reactions can also occur if the drug-containing topical antibiotics used in the long term.

World Health Organization or WHO, last April, had discussed the case of drug resistance in the conference in Beijing. WHO advised, dangerous disease has spread throughout the continent and increasing rapidly. Appropriate steps required for patients with drug resistant, ".

Nevertheless, the agency predicts the world for health, only 1 per cent of cases resistant patients receive proper care last year. "We struggled to overcome drug-resistant patients," said CDC epidemiologist, Dr. Laurie Hicks, told The Associated Press.

The Associated Press also released the findings of antibiotic drug-resistant disease outbreaks in several countries. As in Cambodia, the scientists confirm the emergence of drug resistant cases of malaria patients. The case could threaten efforts to treatment of the disease that has killed 1 million people each year

modern synthetic antibiotics, in addition to killing bacteria that cause illness, also kill the beneficial bacteria that MUST be present in our bodies. Without these beneficial bacteria, we could DIE. Besides the body resistance to modern antibiotics, many bacteria are also resistant to it or does not work anymore.

Natural antibiotic that has existed since the foundation of the world and has long been used thousands of years ago, is actually far superior to the findings of modern antibiotics

 The people, including health professionals are still a lot of misunderstanding by assuming that the findings of modern synthetic antibiotics are superior to natural antibiotics. Did you know that honey, propolis, garlic and virgin coconut oil, is actually included in the super natural antibiotic? These four natural ingredients is in addition to functioning as a food, they also serve as an antibiotic, enhancing vitality, normalize cholesterol, reduce hypertension, anticancer, and helps to cure heart disease.


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